3 Tips For BIGGER Biceps
All right, let’s get started. Today I’m going to teach you guys three tips for bigger biceps. The first tip is to work on different grips, angles, and positions. So we’re going to go through a series of grips, angles, and positions to make sure you’re hitting both bicep heads as well as your brachialis, which complements your biceps.
So we’re going to go for chin-ups, pull-ups, and a neutral grip pulls up and we’re going to do wide shoulder and close grip of each different grip to make sure we’re hitting all these positions. Here we go. First we’ll start off with some pull ups. Shoulder width and closed all the way together. All right, next we’ll go into chin ups. Start with wide. Shoulder width. All right. Last, let’s go for neutral grip.
All right, so there’s the first tip. Second tip, you want to go slow with full range of motion. That is going to create hypertrophy and the first exercise I’m going to show you guys as an example are ring curls.
So we’re going to go full range of motion with this move right here. We’re going to have our arm go all the way in, all the way out. As well as trying to go slow and controlled as possible. So I’m going to go for a few reps now, let’s go for it. Start at an angle, make sure your hands are curled in, want to be straight from your heel all the way to your shoulder. All the way at the top of the curl, come all the way down, let those arms twist all the way out, full range of motion. Twist in, curl all the way up to the top. Let’s go for it. Controlled.
All right, second exercise I want to show you guys, the hefesto. Let me just show you guys something you can do before getting into this move,’ cause this move is kinda tough. So first try doing this, grab the bar with your palms facing forward and from here have the bar by your waistline and walk forward, all the way forward.
Once you get up to here, have it nice and curled into your back, you’re going to let it goas long as you can so your arms are fully extended to full range of motion, from here you’re going to use the tip of your bicep to bring everything back in. Now you normally don’t have that much pressure on your bicep when curling’ cause you normally don’t go all the way out and you don’t have all your body weight hanging on to your fully extended arm like this. So practice these. And once you can do these, you’re ready to do it with the resistance band.
So we’re going to jump on, put the band across you, hold it on one side really tight, stretch it, hold it on the other side. From here we’re going to slip off our butt, and try to go all the way down. Come down straight, arms all the way extended. Yeah, that one’s pretty tough. There you go, hefesto.
Third tip, it’s progressive overload. You want to create a progressive overload on your biceps, you want to keep adding more weight over time and the best way to do that is to start doing one arm exercises. If you can do pull-ups, try to move those pull-ups on to one arm, eventually. Let me show you how you can do that.
So the first exercise we’re going to go to start creating a progressive overload. Now at the beginning when you start doing these moves, you may not even be able to do this with one arm coming all the way down, putting all your body weight on to one arm. I’m going to show you guy show to slowly put that weight, slowly create that progressive overload and eventually you’ll be doing one rep, two reps, three reps and more with that one single arm.
All right, so the first thing is to try to do a neutral grip pull up. From the top of this pull up to remove some fingers and lean to one side.
Come down as slow as you can. You do the same thing to work the other side, come up, lean to that side, release some fingers, come down slow on that side that you’re going for. If you can only do it with three fingers, two fingers, do it as many as you can, eventually the more you do this, you’re going to be able to release your fingers, and eventually, you’ll be able to just move to the side, hold, and come down slow. Lock-in, come down slow. That’s one. Lock-in.
And there you go, that’s the one arm negative pull up, neutral grip pull up. You can also do it in the chin-up style. The last one I want to teach you that progressive overload is one arm chin-ups. Now, everyone knows the one arm pull up is king. That’s when you’re pulling with your hand and palm forward, like this. This is obviously a lot harder. But today we’re talking about tips for your bicep and when you’re doing, pulling like this, with your palm facing forward, you’re specifically working your bicep, your back, other muscles, but you’re emphasizing mainly on that bicep. So we’re going to go ahead and go for some one-arm chin-ups. Here we go.
All right, at this point, if you need, go all the way as much as you can try to hold on to the side of the bar and just keep going. Yeah, I think I’m about gassed out. I chose the one arm chin-ups for last, crazy.
All right, so there are the top three tips for you for a bigger bicep. Definitely try these out, guys. You wanna, one, make sure that you’re doing different grips, different angles, and hitting both heads of your bicep as well as that brachialis.
Tip two, want to go slow, the full range of motion, create hypertrophy. And tip three, you want to have a progressive overload. Start working on one arm to really get that progressive overload. So thank you guys so much for watching. Thank you guys so much, peace out, I love you guys.