The drama “Teri Meri Kahani” created under the pennant of “Seventh Sky Entertainment” will be broadcasted on Pakistan’s most famous diversion station Geo TV. “Seventh Sky Entertainment” has made this drama brimming with amusement and lighthearted comedy to give the best diversion to the watchers while keeping up its practice.
Cast of Teri meri kahani
The huge stars radiating not too far off of the showbiz business are remembered for this story. An intriguing story of this drama is flowing in the group of;
- Bushra Ansari
- Javed Sheikh
- Usman Pirzada
- Haroon Kadwani
- Sehar Khan
- These are the principal characters in “Teri Meri Kahani”.
Ost of Teri Meri Kahani
The OST of ‘Teri Meri Kahani’ is out now and it has effectively enamored the crowd. The OST is sung by Wajhi Farooki.
Reviews of Teri Meri Kahani
The people are crazy for each upcoming episode of Teri Meri Kahani. People go crazy when it’s about Teri Meri Kahani. All the brilliant actors working in this drama are highly acknowledged and rewarded.